Through new immigration policies Canada is reuniting families

Through new immigration policies Canada is reuniting families

May 26, 2023—Vancouver

Families are designed to be together, especially during life's major transitions, such as relocating to a new nation. That is why Canada is trying to make it easier for families to reconnect and sustain themselves once they arrive in Canada.
Today, the Honorable Sean Fraser, Minister of Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship, accompanied by the Honorable Hedy Fry, Member of Parliament for Vancouver Centre, announced new family reunification measures, including

-Spousal applicants might expect speedier temporary residence visa (TRV) processing periods.

-new and specialized processing tools for applicants seeking spousal TRV

-a new open work permit for candidates from the spousal and family classes

-Open work permit extensions are available for open work permit holders whose permits expire between August 1 and the end of 2023.

Minister Fraser recommended faster temporary resident visa (TRV) processing and more humane application procedures to allow families to be together sooner while their permanent status is being processed. The bulk of these applications will be processed within 30 days in the future, and applicants will benefit from processing methods adapted to their unique circumstances as spouses and dependents. Several applications have already been addressed using these new technologies. This set of applicants has a 93% approval rating.

When immigrants first arrive in Canada, they usually search for jobs to support themselves and their families. As a consequence, spouse applicants and their dependent children who live in Canada with their sponsor and have temporary residence status now have access to open work permits. After filing a comprehensive permanent residence application under the spouse or common-law partner in Canada (SPCLC) or other family class programs, spouses, partners, and dependents can now apply for and get an open work visa.

Finally, Minister Fraser said that spouse applicants and other open work permit holders whose work permits expire between August 1 and the end of 2023 will be eligible to extend them for an extra 18 months. Many people with expired post-graduation employment license were recently given a similar choice.

Immigration will continue to play an important role in addressing Canada's labor shortages, and these initiatives, taken together, fulfil the Minister's mandate letter commitment to strengthen family reunification by granting temporary resident status to spouses, partners, and dependent children awaiting permanent residence.